
Cardboard box dreams

We bought a new vacuum this past weekend. It came packaged in a new cardboard box, a big one just waiting to spark little people’s imaginations and kickstart their dreams to life.

After jokingly popping Amy right inside the box amidst howls of giggling and half-hearted protests, I took her out again (more howls of giggling and half-hearted protests), tipped the box on its side on the floor and waited for the magic to start.

It didn’t take long for Amy to try sit on the box, but after toppling over as it collapsed she decided it was safer to crawl inside. Of course once she was inside it didn’t take long for Ethan to wander over and take advantage of having his sister’s head exposed but arms mostly tucked away inside the box and legs definitely secured against any retaliation. More shouts of laughter and genuine surprise as he nuzzled her, and then quickly crawled inside as she surrendered her space in the box.

As we were getting ready for school this morning it seemed a little quiet, a bit too quiet in fact. Before long Amy came to us and very sadly told us that she had been playing hide and seek with Ethan, but he hadn’t come to find her. I’m guessing she was tucked up nice and tight inside the box and he had lost interest, but unwittingly given us an extra five minutes to get back on schedule.

We were supposed to put the recycling out this morning, but we decided to keep the box for another week. It was just begging to be transformed into an aeroplane or a race car, and it was definitely a step up from the usual nappy box cars we use to roar around the kitchen with. I’m betting it’s not long before the Labradors go investigate inside it either, and then even more fun will be had as the fort will need to be defended.

I guess it’s true what they say. You really do have more fun with the box, even when you’re all grown up.

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