This morning the first Mommy Meet Up with Lisa Raleigh kicked off in Durban. Moms met at the Suburban Café to share a selection of delicious healthy snacks and drinks before sitting down to enjoy three inspiring talks from guest speakers, along with a quick make-up and cooking demonstration.
Lisa Raleigh, who is a well-known wellness expert and who became a mom last year, shared how she wants to build a community of moms with these new Mommy Meet Ups, and create a space where we can empower each other and be real. She was true to her word by sharing an honest account of her pregnancy, birth experience, as well as the five things she has learnt in the first year of motherhood.
The areas she identified in her talk spoke to my heart, resonating with many experiences that I myself have been through since becoming a mom. I’m sure that many of you will find some truths in here for your own journey too. Letting go of the need for perfection is a big one, having children and trying to embrace a perfect life will leave you exhausted and rob you of the joys of being in the present moment. We also need to realise that there is a time for everything, that the trials we face as moms will pass and we will come out of it stronger to move onto the next phase. We need to learn to be honest and vulnerable, and most importantly to let go of the guilt. I often think of a saying I saw once, it read “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” As moms, we need to learn to give to ourselves too so that we can be the best version of ourselves. Lastly comes self-acceptance, that there is no perfect plan for motherhood, that we all have strengths and weaknesses, and that we can ask for help.
Liza Clifford, who many may have heard of through her bra-fitting service, chatted to us next about the correlation of bras and the way we feel. She encouraged moms to consider a body optimising consultation to assess, fit and educate ourselves on the importance of a good quality and well fitted bra.
East Coast Radio DJ Jane Linley-Thomas was up next and again encouraged moms to ask for help if they need it, emphasising that we are not weak if we show vulnerability. Her message to moms was that “you got this” and that you should go to bed thinking “I tried my best today.”
It was a fun, informative and, most importantly, inspirational morning spent with fellow moms. I walked away feeling more motivated and less alone as a mom, and with a wonderful goodie bag to enjoy too. You can join Lisa Raleigh with her new Mumentoes project and be sure to look out for the next Mommy Meet Up in your town soon!
Fabulous, what an awesome time everyone must have had
It really was a fun morning!