In IDOL by Louise O’Neill the story centers around Samantha Miller, a woman who becomes an inspiration to young girls on how to be happy and how to live their lives. Her…
I have read two of Lesley Kara’s books before now, so I was looking forward to reading her new thriller, The Apartment Upstairs. It’s a story about a family who lose a…
The Family Remains is the gripping new sequel to The Family Upstairs, the popular thriller by author Lisa Jewell. Being an avid thriller reader I usually don’t find myself reading many sequels…
Meredith, Alone is a touching story about love and loss, friendship and family, about attempting to find the courage to overcome crippling challenges and discovering peace in places you never expected to.…
The No-Show is the heart-warming new story from Beth O’Leary. It’s a tale about love, loss and friendship that will have you hooked from the moment you discover you’re rooting for Joseph…