
Different seasons

The one thing that has stood out to me on my own journey of motherhood has been change. As your child grows so do you as their mother and while entering different seasons of their childhood and your own motherhood may at first seem scary you will soon realise that the only constant in being a mom is change.

As I enter my twelfth year of being married I found myself surprised that I was shopping for valentines presents, not for my husband, but rather for my two children, their teachers and a few of their special friends. I find myself buying food for a special breakfast not for myself and my significant other but for the four of us to enjoy together. And on planning what to do on valentines night I find myself planning for a fun dinner together with the kids and a special show to watch together before bedtime.

Things have certainly changed since that day my daughter was born and I became a mom. And while I may not have red roses on valentines morning or a Romantic dinner out with just the two of us, I find that I now have more love than I ever did because there are two more people who love me with all their beings, and instead of just one hug I will get three. And you know what, I’m fine with the change. More love, more hugs makes me a happy mom.

And I know this season is a short one. Before long they will be making their own plans for Valentine’s Day, and I will find myself once again having dinner alone with just my husband. So for now I embrace the change knowing that one day soon it will all change again.

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