#doyoucatan with your friends and family? We have been playing Catan for over 20 years now, in fact we had the honour of meeting the incredible creator of this award-winning boardgame, the…
The Elephants of Thula Thula by Françoise Malby-Anthony is a fantastic account of the challenges faced by the Thula Thula game reserve over the past 2 years. From lockdowns, Covid, looting, poaching…
My kids have loved bath time from when they were little, it’s always a happy time of the day when you can hear water splashing and children shrieking with delight. As babies…
Schools are out and the summer holidays are officially here! While we may enjoy the slower mornings and the break from lunchboxes for the next few weeks, the novelty of being at…
If you’re looking for some wonderful new Christ-centered goodies to add to your Christmas celebration this year, then you’ve come to the right place. These are perfect to pop into your child’s…
Over the past year we have been fortunate enough to add a few new Afrikaans picture books to our bookshelf, giving us the wonderful opportunity to read together in a second language.…
We are celebrating together with the Barbie magazine this month because this month’s August edition is the 200th issue! The Forts and Fairies team is honoured to be featured in the magazine…
We have been fans of the Barbie magazine for a while now, so when the Barbie team contacted us to work together we were so excited. The Barbie magazine has been helping…
As moms we know that the one constant we can expect on this mothering journey is change. What your child likes one day they may not like tomorrow (bananas is a case…
As moms we often put our own needs last – we are always busy and rushing around ensuring everyone else in the family is happy and healthy, but we don’t often worry…