
Silver oldie

You sit at my feet, gazing up at me with those big brown eyes,

Eyes that I have known for nine years now,

Eyes that have understood when I’m sad, gleamed when you’ve been mischievous,

Sad when I’ve left you and happy when I’ve returned.

I look into your face and I see a soul that I know, that I have loved with all my heart.

Lately you gaze up at me, I can’t help but to notice the grey creeping into your face,

Your eyes have become slightly milky, you may limp slightly after a mad swim around the pool.

Sometimes my heart catches in my throat when I see it, the signs of you ageing so quickly,

My heart aches for that knowledge that you’re growing older at a pace that I can’t keep up with.

And one day, hopefully not any day soon, you will have to leave me alone.


Alone without your soft ears to stroke,

No more early morning hugs,

You won’t chase your ball anymore, or sneakily steal my socks to play with.

I will miss you begging for a sample at food times,

And your happy little wiggle when you were able to come on trips in the car together.

But most of all I will miss your love.

Every night during my pregnancies you slept by my bed.

Watching, guarding and waiting.

You eagerly met our new family members, welcomed them with a sniff and a lick.

You’ve provided comfort in sad times to my children,

Who have buried their tears in your neck without any complaint from you.

They’ve thrown your toys for you, squealed with glee when you’ve caught balls,

Swam alongside you in the pool and read books together cuddled up on rainy days.


Sometimes I try to remember life before you. But it seems that you’ve been by my side for so many years now that I simply can’t.

You’ve grown to be a part of me, and a part of my heart. And I know that one day when you do have to leave you will take that piece of my heart with you.

And I will be broken.

My children will be broken.

But we will heal. Such is life. And we will grow to love another dog one day too. A new dog to wiggle her way into our hearts with new quirks to discover.

Just know that I love you with all my heart my Becca B, and I never will forget you for as long as I draw breath on this Earth. I hope that we will meet again, because a heaven without dogs will be a little less happy for me.

Thank you for choosing us, I can only pray that we have made you as happy as you have made us.


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