Coco is another exceptional animated film from Disney Pixar, an imaginative and colourful tale of a 12 year old’s journey to the land of his ancestors as he aspires to fulfil his dream of being a musician.
Miguel keeps his love of music secret, forced to hide his passion because of his family’s generations-long mysterious ban on music. Even though he loves his family, he doesn’t want to merely follow the family shoemaking business and give up on his dream. So, he sets out to prove his talent, only to find himself mysteriously transported into the Land of the Dead.
This is where the movie comes to life, with vibrant colours, curious spirit animals, and lots of entertaining skeleton characters. There is a lot of humour woven throughout Miguel’s adventure, and the music featured is as beautiful as the film’s message: family is important; we must honour our ancestors; and we must always follow our dreams.
Miguel, joined by the loyal dog Dante, set out on surprising adventure on the Day of the Dead but when his musical dream is again denied by his ancestors he teams up with the charming Hector who agrees to help him track down his musical idol Ernesto de la Cruz.
The movie is as imaginative as it is emotive, and you will feel yourself rooting for the sweet looking Miguel who cares so deeply about his family and great-grandmother Mama Coco but also feels the need to pursue his passion no matter the cost.
Coco is now available on DVD and Blu-Ray, and an extraordinary journey to the Land of the Dead awaits you.
Thanks to Disney Africa for letting us experience Coco.
My kids loved Coco. We all enjoyed it
Such a beautiful movie with a wonderful message about family. Happy to hear you enjoyed watching it.