
The Bok Who Lost His Spring (Book Review)

The Bok Who Lost His Spring is a fun local children’s picture book that will have the little ones giggling at story time.

The Bok Who Lost His Spring

What would a springbok be without his spring? A young springbok faces this dilemma when he loses his spring. Teaming up with his best friend monkey he sets out to find it, leading to a series of hilarious ways to try and pronk again.

Sadly for the springbok nothing works, but luckily along the way he discovers other ways to still be a springbok and have fun. These include a makeover to impress the herd and even a vuvuzela to get everyone’s attention!

While the sight of a springbok in a wig will make your children laugh out loud, there’s also an important message about recognizing what makes you special, that it’s ok to be different, and that you can always count on your friends for help.

The Bok Who Lost His Spring

The Bok Who Lost His Spring, written by Marleen Lammers and illustrated by Gwendolene van der Merwe, is now available. It’s also available in Afrikaans as Die Bok Wat Sy Spring Verloor Het.

Thanks to Penguin Random House for sending me these books in exchange for an honest review.

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