
Her Perfect Twin (Book Review)

Her Perfect Twin is the mind-blowing new thriller from Sarah Bonner. Expertly conceived to unravel secrets and twists slowly so that you won’t want to put it down until you have learned every truth, Her Perfect Twin is the ultimate example of why thrillers are my favourite genre to read.

Her Perfect Twin

Megan didn’t have an easy childhood, and her twin sister Leah didn’t make it any better with always trying to take what was hers. The two haven’t spoken in years, but that changes when Megan finds photographs of her sister on her husband’s phone. Pushed to breaking point she confronts Leah, but their argument turns to murder and Megan is left with no choice but to pose as both Leah and herself.

As Leah Megan is free to rediscover who she really is, away from the restrictions placed on her by her controlling husband Chris. But as the world bows to a new virus and enters lockdown, Megan starts to lose control of the situation and it’s not long before things spiral out of control. Paranoia builds, threats surface and the danger of revenge becomes very real.

The story is well-crafted, with characters so intense that you will often times be terrified. If you enjoy thrillers The Perfect Twin is a must-read that will keep you guessing right until the very last page.

Thanks to Jonathan Ball Publishers for sending me this book in exchange for an honest review.

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